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January 17, 2010


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Your taste in colors is SO different from my own, but I love what you have done with this quilt. I really liked the binding tip. I have always wondered how to finish it so it's attractive. Thank you!
Suz in the Tules


Jan is beautiful. Aren't you glad you finished her? Now you can snuggle under her while the cold rain pelts your house. I hope you have a hot cup of tea and a good book with you.

I'd trade all our snow for your rain. It's not too cold here, but it's most definitely winter... and we're sure to get three or four more months of it.

I remember that Brady Bunch episode - funny!


Oh wow your vintage sheet quilt turned out wonderfully. I love old vintage sheets, and yes they are hard to find at thrift stores nowadays.


My heart also goes out to the Haitian people. I can't imagine their horror. We will keep praying and doing what we can.

The vintage sheets are fabulous! I wonder if you have any trouble machine quilting with sheets (I read it was a no-no.) I'm all set to make my first quilt, planning to cut 12.5" squares. I love the way the large blocks show off the fabric. Thanks for the binding tip!


so lovely. and it looks so snuggly. exactly like a quilt should.


It's beautiful Sarah! I hereby nominate you to make all the cozy quilts for the compound. Thanks for the cool binding tip too!


Absolutely lovely quilt; pastel flowers and a striped binding. Doesn't get better than that. Your photos show your love for your new treasure and I love that you named her Jan. Enjoy! xo,


love it! I love vintage sheets!


Sweet and lovely, that´s all I can say!! You´ve done a wonderful job and thanks for giving us the binding tip!! :o)
I hope you already snuggled in this beauty!!
Our snow is melting away and we have lots of rain now, it looks ugly outside.
But what a bless that we can stay at home cozy and comfort. It makes me so sad thinking of all the people in Haiti!!!
Sabine P.xxxx

Shiree Johnston

that is a beautiful quilt, I do my bindings exactly the same way!


Jan is very sweet and snuggily. I spy your name quilted in the pattern. Perfect project for a grey day.

Kelly O.

that quilt is lovely and you have inspired me to get my butt in gear and finish a quilt I've been working on since May.
question--how wide do you cut your binding?
2 1/2 inches is what I've been told but I'm not sure.
I love the tip about leaving some extra batting...this will be the first quilt I've ever done so I like to get the tips first hand so that it will be a good experience that will have me wanting to do it more!


Jan in gorgeous!!! I so love vintage sheet quilts! Did you know there is a vintage sheet swap going on over at Rosey Little Things? You should check it out - there's still time to sign up!


This is beautiful!! I think I may have to make one of these someday!!

I just wanted to let you know that when I was thinking about trying my hand at quilting, your blog was the 1st one I found. I read it from beginning to end. After a couple weeks of regular re-visits, I finally decided to make a quilt and try machine quilting it on my own. It's been a year now and ever since, I'm hooked. Just thought I'd let you know that you were one of my first inspirations to start to quilt. Your work is beautiful and your blog is fantastic as well as extremely informational! Thank you for stirring an interest in quilting for me!


Thanks for the tip! The quilt is beautiful and I LOVE the big blocks!


Well it is lovely and the name certainly fits. I know a lady that judges quilts and if the binding isn't "full", it gets a big deduction. So see. You're ready to win a first place in a quilt show!


Sarah, your quilt is so beautiful. Very cozy. It reminds me of the flowers in my cottage garden.


what a lovely sweet quilt! Your hand stiching on the binding is wonderful. I guess I need to practice more, but I get frustrated and then end up doing it on the machine.


Your quilt is beautiful! It looks so happy, I love it.

Jacque Huseby

Jan is so beautiful!!! I like big blocks too.It makes me think of spring.

Jen in NY

What a gorgeous quilt, Sarah! The vintage sheets must make it soooo soft. And your quilting is lovely as always. Love how you stitch your name in. I'm also a big fan of hand-stitching binding. In fact I'm almost done with one now. It's so relaxing!

Anyway, enjoy "Jan"...love the George Glass reference!


I've got that sheet , the one you;ve used for the backing -- how spooky we should both have the same sheet and be so far apart...

Sew Create It - Jane

Gorgeous quilt. I have some vintage sheet squares all ready for sewing...You've reminded me I need to pull them out and get cracking :o)

Jane Swanson

I LOVE this quilt!
You've inspired me to make one just like her.
Only I will call mine Jan"e".

Praying for the people of Haiti with you!


What a gorgeous cozy quilt. Your binding is so neat! Being left-handed, photos of sewing in progress look the 'wrong' way to me :-)
Teresa x

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